
Episcopal Church & Visual Arts

Encouraging visual arts in the life of the Episcopal Church

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ECVA is a community of artists, arts supporters, art historians and theologians acting in support of our common life in the Episcopal Church. It encourages local artists and visual arts communities, assists churches in integrating the visual arts into their worship space and liturgy, develops forums to explore the theology of visual art, and creates a heightened awareness of the spiritual role of the visual arts in an individual's life and in the life of the church.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Power of Images

Next time you contemplate the power of images, consider the following:

According to Nesta de Robeck in his 1956 The Christmas Crib , during the second century Emperor Hadrian built a sanctuary to Adonis in Bethlehem over the site of the Nativity in an effort to destroy Christianity. St. Helena and Constantine reclaimed the spot for Christianity by establishing the Basilica of the Nativity in A.D. 326. When the Persians invaded Bethlehem in A.D. 614 the building was spared because the Persian invaders found a mosaic scene of the Persian Wise Men on the interior walls.

According to Nesta de Robeck, "During the Persian invasion the enemy noticed the Magi dressed in Phrygian cloaks and caps carved on the facade, and they took them for worshippers of Mithras bringing gifts to his altar. This mistake saved the church..."

What are some of the most powerful images you have seen and will never forget?

Jan Neal
Program Director
Episcopal Church & Visual Arts


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